Picture of two female presenting people. One is wearing a black shirt with a white cardigan, the other is wearing a green shirt and has red glasses.

Katherine Allen, LMFT and Maria Bowen, LCMHC

With over two decades of combined experience working with some of the most intense trauma cases, Katherine and Maria have synthesized all their training and experience into the essence of what actually works. You might say they’ve cracked the code of trauma healing, and are now offering to teach you how to be just as effective and efficient, while avoiding burnout. You don’t need to be a trained therapist either. Everyone has the potential inside of them to be an agent of change and healing in their community, relationships, and workplaces. 

Our Dream

Imagine if every interaction you had contained a healing possibility, that every person you met had the ability to see differently, past the surface, and the ability to open their hearts with curiosity and compassion. What if we could all help each other reduce the triggers all around us, even just a little bit, and not be burdened in the process?

This is what we dream of and see as truly possible with The TAG Method. Our graduates “learn to hear with your eyes”, learn how to hold an openly curious heart and how to be in a state of attuned unconditional positive regard. Imagine if your doctor did this, your boss, your local law enforcement officer, your children’s teachers, even the checkout person at the grocery store. We believe that we can teach anyone, everyone, to see – and be – differently with one another and that it will have a positive ripple effect with every interaction.

For decades trauma has not been properly respected or understood by the medical or psychotherapy communities – if it were, the DSM would be a thin pamphlet and not a 900-page tome. Methods for dealing with the symptoms associated with PTSD have been developed, but for many, learning to live with PTSD has remained the only option.

That is not good enough for us.

We dream of a world where people do not have to live with trauma overtaking their nervous systems and affecting their relationships. The TAG Method strives for full healing. This does not mean that you forget what happened; rather, that it no longer has the power to negatively impact your life or your future. 

Even if trauma is ongoing The TAG Method can help ease the impact of ongoing traumas on a person’s nervous system. The TAG Method is the next evolution in lasting trauma healing.

Undoubtedly, there are many trainings available, yet none encompasses the array and depth of tools, boundaried with ethical considerations, that The TAG Method does. Why did we create this? Because it is what we were wanting and needing, but not finding.

We all just want to be seen, to be received with compassion and curiosity. The TAG Method will train you to do so, in your particular professional capacity, and will become the lens through which everything you do will be filtered. 

Once you learn to hear with your eyes, you cannot unlearn it and you will want to share it with others – just like we do.

Why did we create The TAG Method? What were we seeing that we felt compelled to address?

To be blunt, there’s just way too much trauma circulating out there, and far too few truly trauma competent therapists or helpers to handle it all. Therapists are burning out and the wait lists are ever increasing. 

One of the most intriguing and far reaching aspects of The TAG Method is that it addresses developmental trauma (as early as in utero! or even conception), inherited trauma, cultural trauma and more. We don’t have to know what happened to know that it is having repercussive impacts on our clients’ lives. We have learned so much about epigenetics in recent years, and The TAG Method is one of the first approaches that uses that knowledge as a foundational lens in how we approach healing.  

Bessel van der Kolk MD, author of The Body Keeps the Score, says that developmental trauma is possibly “the single most important public health challenge in the United States” but that we have yet to have effective treatment options, especially once it has settled into an adult’s nervous system. We beg to differ, The TAG Method is deeply effective at healing developmental trauma. 

In the search for healing, clients are increasingly turning to psychedelics and ketamine for help; however, many providers, while trained in providing ketamine and other medicines, have not received appropriate training in how to identify and work with trauma. What we have seen in our own work is that when you combine the power of medicine work with the power of The TAG Method, the result is exponential healing, with little to no risk of retraumatization or vicarious trauma. 

Learn to hear with your eyes

Come with us on a journey to empowerment. Move beyond competence to confidence so that no matter who or what shows up in front of you, you have the knowledge and skills to support that person on their journey of healing. We will teach you how to lend your grounded and integrated nervous system to your client without wrecking your own. 

The TAG Method is not a protocol or thing you do, it is a method of receiving others relationally, it becomes part of the fabric of your being and informs every interaction you have.

No matter what training you have, be it Medical, Professional or Civil, we see The TAG Method as a framework that enhances and informs every possible personal interaction. 

“We need more people, not just therapists, to know how to see and heal trauma. The world is drowning in pain and the therapists are exhausted.” -cofounders Katherine and Maria

The Trainings

The TAG Method trainings weave together the best gems of multiple trauma treatment models, such as IFS, Polyvagal, Brainspotting, Systems Theory and more, with the learned experience from working with thousands of clients, all rooted in the most advanced understanding of neuroscience and neuropsychology, with a strong ethical foundation. The TAG Method is an anti-protocol approach that is flexible and adaptable. The TAG Method becomes the foundation that informs your use of any other tools, techniques or approaches, including integrating perfectly with psychedelic assisted therapy. 

Instead of spending tens of thousands of dollars on dozens of trainings, we have created a single training that weaves together everything you need to know to be effective at identifying and working with trauma. We have participated in so many trainings and conferences and webinars that espouse the necessity of attunement, but none of them teach it, we will. And even beyond that, this training will give you the foundation necessary to avoid burnout. 

Allow us, your wayfinders, to teach you the ways of seeing, responding, and healing trauma;
transforming automatic coping mechanisms into deployable tools.

Visit our TRAININGS page to see the various opportunities to learn The TAG Method that we offer.

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